Web Accessibility. Solved.
Recently I read an article in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune about a Twin Cities business that was sued for not having a website that is ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant. It cost them THOUSANDS.
Huh??? I had no idea! So I did some research and learned the following:
- The DOJ confirms ADA applies to websites as of November 2018
- Lawsuits and demand letters have increased 400% from 2017 through 2023
- 3,250 web accessibility lawsuits were filed in 2022 and over 100,000 businesses received a demand letter that same year
- 93% of demand letters settle outside of court for $20,000 – $150,000 on average
- 7% of businesses fight and lose in court
Yikes! Those are some scary numbers. So I looked into how the ADA requires websites to be accessible. Web accessibility refers to making websites usable for people with disabilities. It involves designing and developing websites in a way that people with disabilities, such as those with visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments, can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the website and its content.
From a web programming standpoint, creating a custom solution that addresses accessibility is costly (typically thousands of dollars), and time consuming. Plus any updates to your site will likely make it inaccessible again. There are also some free services that claim to make your site accessible after you install their plugin; however, those services do not make your site anywhere close to 100% compliant, leaving you exposed to possible litigation. Enter UserWay!
UserWay is a Digital Accessibility Innovator
From websites to apps to PDFs, the technologies from UserWay make content accessible for people with disabilities.
- Trusted by the world’s leading brands
- Installed on more than 1,000,000 websites
- AI technology built for digital accessibility
- Secure, scalable and standards compliant
- UserWay’s solution provides ongoing maintenance.
- UserWay provides litigation support customized for your business.
The thing I really like about this company is that they worked side by side with the disability communities. Those communities played a vital role in their research and development by helping them build a product that truly helps them and addresses their needs. Best of all, using automated AI technology, once we install UserWay on your website, your site can be close to 100% compliant in 48 hours or less! Plus, as you add new content to your site, UserWay continually scans your site, and performs updates to your content to make sure anything new that has been added is also ADA compliant.
Your Cost: Just $600/year
To me, $50 a month is worth every penny … wouldn’t you agree? Not only are you making your site more accessible to more people, you are also making sure you can’t be targeted by law firms demanding THOUSANDS of dollars in potential settlements. Our $600 yearly fee includes
UserWay installation, monthly reports, remediation recommendations (for those objects the AI technology can’t automatically remediate), remediation assistance and more! If you would rather save some money and install the tool yourself, you can
click here to set up your own account with UserWay and handle your own remediation.